44, Medan Ipoh 1B, Medan Ipoh Bistari, 31400 Ipoh, Perak.



Berikut adalah 5 langkah yang perlu anda lakukan semasa dan selepas rawatan saluran akar:

  1. Penjagaan gigi
    • Berus gigi 2 kali sehari. 
    • Flos sekali sehari.
    • Pemeriksaan gigi pada setiap 6 bulan.


  2. Ketidakselesaan di antara tempoh rawatan: Anda mungkin akan rasa sedikit tidak selesa di antara lawatan saluran akar ini. Tetapi jika anda mengalami kesakitan, anda boleh ambil ubat tahan sakit ataupun boleh terus hubungi kami di GTC. 
  3. Elakkan makan makanan yang keras sepanjang tempoh lawatan untuk rawatan ini. 
  4. Tampalan sementara jatuh: Jika tampalan sementara anda jatuh, anda boleh segera berjumpa dengan kami dengan secepat yang mungkin kerana air liur kita mengandungi bakteria. Hilangnya tampalan sementara boleh menyebabkan infeksi semula pada gigi tersebut dan kami tidak mahu memanjangkan proses rawatan anda.
  5. Tiang dan teras (post and core) + mahkota gigi (crown): Selepas selesai rawatan saluran akar ini, anda dinasihati untuk membuat mahkota gigi (crown) bagi melindungi gigi asal anda. Ia juga bergantung kepada keadaan gigi, anda mungkin memerlukan tiang dan teras (post and core) yang bertindak sebagai satu sokongan pada gigi. Ianya dapat menghilangkan rasa sakit dan infeksi. Walaubagaimanapun, struktur gigi anda masih dalam keadaan lemah. Jadi dengan membuat mahkota gigi (crown), adalah sangat membantu dalam menjaga jangka hayat gigi anda.

Jika anda mempunyai sebarang pertanyaan, sila hubungi kami di whatsapp 0127887543

Photo of a lady with lab coat with her pewter award holding a file smiling . There is writing on the photo stating Dr. Chan Gaek Theng, recipient of Segi Chancellor's award, overall best student of all degree programme conducted at segi university

Soalan Lazim

Click here to find out more about root canal treatment at GTC Dental.

How is a RCT procedure?

The dentist starts the procedure by numbing the area around the tooth to ensure a comfortable experience. Then, they create a small access hole in the tooth to reach the infected pulp and carefully remove it. After that, they clean, shape, and disinfect the root canals before filling them with a biocompatible material. Finally, the dentist seals the tooth with a temporary or permanent filling.

Is a RCT painful?

Despite the common misconception, root canal treatment typically does not cause pain. The dentist performs the procedure under local anesthesia, ensuring that you won't feel any pain during the treatment. However, it is common to experience some mild discomfort or sensitivity in the treated area for a few days following the procedure.

What happens after a RCT?

After undergoing a root canal treatment, the tooth may need additional strength and protection through a dental crown or other restorative treatment. To maintain the health of the treated tooth and surrounding tissues, it is important to follow good oral hygiene practices, including regular brushing, flossing, and dental check-ups.