Aftercare Wisdom Tooth Removal (MOS) – Aftercare
After Wisdom Tooth Removal Surgery, to ensure a proper recovery on the surgery wound, we would recommend to go through the below tips
- Bleeding management
- Bite on the gauze for 30 minutes and throw away after. Usually, the bleeding will stop after 30 minutes. You can also bite on moist teabags as tea contains tannic acid that helps to stop bleeding.
- Slight oozing of blood in the first 24 hours is normal. Do not keep changing the gauze as this will remove the clotted blood and bleeding might start again. Just leave it and it will eventually stops bleeding.
- Do not eat hot or spicy food for the first 24 hours.
- Do not exercise the first 24 hours.
- Do not use straw the first 24 hours.
- Do not rinse/ gargle/spit the first 24 hours.
- Avoid alcohol/smoking the first 24 hours.
- Swelling management
- Place an ice pack for 1st day only, 2nd day don’t do anything and start hotpack on 3rd day.
- Sleep with your head supported by pillow.
- Dental Care
- Brush gently at adjacent areas, you can start brushing at the surgical site once you feel comfortable.
- Gargle with ½ teaspoon of salt + warm water 4 times a day (start one day after surgery)
- Medications
- Remember to take your medications on time.
- You must complete antibiotics.
- Diet
- Avoid hot food and drinks. Eat cold and soft food.
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to our whatsapp at 0127887543